Noise Pollution (250665) – Course 2020/21 PDF


Learning Objectives

CE01 - Apply scientific concepts to environmental problems and their correlation with technological concepts. CE08-Dimension unconventional systems and advanced treatment and raise their mass balance and energy. Explore scientific concepts and technical principles of quality management of the receiving means, atmosphere, water and soil, and applied to problem solving. Explore scientific concepts and technical principles of management and treatment of gaseous emissions, water supply, sewage and waste and remediation techniques for groundwater and contaminated soils. Sized systems for the treatment of major pollutants vectors in specific sectors of activity. Interprets rules, identifies goals, assesses technical alternatives proposed unconventional solutions and priority actions. Definition of the characteristic parameters of sound and its perception. Sound propagation in free field. Sound power. Corrections to the theoretical propagation. Reflection and sound absorbing materials. Acoustic behavior of a room. Sound measurements. Using sound level meter and analyzer. Good practice in sampling. Noise control. Principles of soundproofing and acoustic treatment. Barriers. Noise impact study. Input data, assumptions and deliverables. Calculation methods and simulation models. Study applied the existing legal framework. The goal of the course is that the student is able to make the study of acoustic assessment of existing or future activity.



Apply scientific concepts to environmental problems and their correlation with technological concepts.

Dimension unconventional systems and advanced treatment and raise their mass balance and energy.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 25.5h 56.67 %
Medium group 9.8h 21.67 %
Laboratory classes 9.8h 21.67 %
Self Study 80h

Teaching Methodology

The methodology is based on the combination of several activities - Classroom lectures on theoretical concepts that are related to the course. Related problems are also solved . - A set of individual problems are proposed as a homework. - Experimental noise impact assessment activity is individally carried out also as a homework - Calculation of acoustic impact of infrastructure by simulation. Work group within the classroom sessions and as homework.

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

Home work individual activities: 35% Experimental work on acoustic impact assessment of an activity: 35% Computer practice on acoustic impact assessment: 30%

Test Rules

Results not delivered within the deadline will result in zero points for the activity.

Office Hours

Hours to be arranged by email or class


