Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech


The master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering provides students with the training to pursue professional and academic careers in the fields of geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, geophysics and earthquake engineering. Students develop specialist knowledge of geophysics and earthquake engineering and acquire the skills to predict, evaluate and reduce seismic hazards.

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First Course

Advanced Methods in Seismic Damage Evaluation (250834)
Advanced Soil Mechanics (250810)
Aquifer Mechanics (250821)
Aquifers Balance and Recharge (250823)
Bridges (250471)
Composite Materials Structures (250703)
Continuum Mechanics (250800)
Earthquake Engineering (250520)
Foundations and Earth Retaining Structures (250811)
Geology for Engineering (250802)
Geomechanics of Breakage (250421)
Geophysical Prospection (250831)
Groundwater and Environment (250829)
Groundwaves Generation and Propagation (250806)
Interaction Between Groundwater and Civil Works (250422)
Modelling in Geoengineering (250801)
Modelling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media (250803)
Modelling of Soil and Groundwater Contamination (250531)
Modern Monitoring Techniques for Ground Movements (250815)
Numerical Modelling Tool in Geoengineering (250807)
Rock Mechanics (250805)
Seismic Risk Assessment and Reduction (250476)
Sismology (250830)
Slope Stability (250521)
Soils Mechanics (250804)
Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis (250835)
Statistics Applied to Civil and Earthquake Engineering (250839)
Stochastic Methods in Hydrology (250822)
Tunnels and Rock Mechanics (250423)
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics (250816)

Secon Course

Advanced Seismic Resistent Design (250837)
Constitutive Equations of Materials (250818)
Environmental Isotope Techniques in Groundwater Hydrology (250825)
Geographic Information Systems (250808)
Geotechnical Design and Construction (250420)
Hydrogeochemical Modelling (250824)
Hydrometeorological Processes and Their Interactions with the Ground (250828)
Master's Thesis (250838)
Numerical Models in Geotechnical Engineering (250820)
Quaternary Geology (250813)
Reactive Transport (250826)
Seismic Hazard Assessment (250833)
Seminars (250809)
Sismometry (250832)
Soil Behaviour and Advanced Modelling (250819)