Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech


The main objective of this degree is to provide engineers specialized training aimed at managing and executing construction projects. According to the specialty, the training objectives of public works engineers are to provide expertise in Civil Constructions, Hydrology and Transport and Urban Services.
Professional Possibilities and Objectives of Education

Professional Possibilities

  • Engineer designer and director of public work construction.
  • Manager and organizer in infrastructure construction.
  • Technical / manager in engineering and projects.
  • Technical or manager in public administration.
  • Management positions in construction companies and engineering.
  • Freelance professional.

Objectives of Education

  • Provide engineers the ability to manage and execute construction projects in the field of civil engineering including specialized training.
  • These studies enable to practice as professional engineer (Ingeniero Técnico de Obras Públicas, according to Spanish system of chartered professions). After completing undergraduate studies , you get access to the master's degree in Civil Engineering (Caminos, Canales y Puertos, according to Spanish system of chartered professions).
  • Depending on the specialization chosen projects can be developed in the area of construction of civil works, hydrology and transportation and urban services.

Check a subject area to highlight the corresponding subjects


  • Legend
  • Lecture Notes
  • Assignments
  • Labs
  • Exams
  • Videos
  • eBooks

First Course

Applied Geology (250207)
Applied Physics (250205)
Business and Construction Legislation (250203)
Calculus (250202)
Chemistry of Materials (250209)
Graphic Expression (250204)
Linear Algebra (250201)
Mathematic Fundamentals (250206)
Mechanics (250208)

Secon Course

Construction Materials (250223)
Construction Methods and Electrical Engineering (250228)
Descriptive Statistics (250227)
Differential Equations (250221)
Geomatics and Surveying (250225)
Hydraulics (250220)
Numerical Methods and Informatics (250224)
Representation Techniques (250226)
Strength of Materials (250222)

Third Course

Environmental Technology (250236)
Geotechnics (250230)
Metallic Constructions (250234)
Organisation, Measurement and Budget for Public Works (250237)
Project and Construction of Public Works (250239)
Reinforced Concrete (250232)
Structures (250231)
Surface and Groundwater Hydrology (250233)
Transport Infrastructures (250235)
Urbanism and Regional Systems (250238)

Fourth Course

Administration, Urban Plannig and Public Services (250247)
Bachelor's Thesis (250262)
Building Construction and Prefabrication (250242)
Construction Management (250266)
Construction of Bridges and Other Structures (250243)
Construction of Transport Infrastructures (250248)
Environmental Impact in Maritime Works (250264)
Geographical Information Systems and Teledetection (250258)
Geotechnical Engineering (250240)
Graphic Design and Numerical Analysis (250261)
History of Public Constructions (250260)
Hydraulic Constructions (250254)
Instrumentation and Testing in Hydraulic Works (250256)
Introduction to Structural Management (250246)
Maintenance of Infrastructures (250250)
Maritime Constructions (250241)
Port Engineering (250253)
Prestressed Concrete (250245)
Sanitary Engineering (250255)
Social Impacts of the Public Constructions (250259)
Structural Design (250244)
Surface and Groundwater Hydrology II (250252)
Transportation Management (250249)
Urbanization and Management of Urban Environment (250251)
Urban Logistics and Transport Terminals (250265)
Water Supply (250257)