Prediction and Risk Models for the Management of the Coastal Zone (250583) – Course 2024/25 PDF
Introduction to the course Presentation of the key concepts related to coastal risk. Definitions Individual and collective assessment of the main types of coastal risks
Specific Objectives
Course structure. Sources of information and data. Practical work. Presentation and definition of the key concepts related to coastal risk analysis. Identification and initial assessment of the importance of the main types of coastal risks by the students of the class. Assessment of the initial perception of risk in general, and of the Catalan coast in particular.
3h Large group + 1h Medium group + 5h 36m Self StudyIdentification and description of the main risk factors that induce coastal risk. Characterization of the main elements (population, uses, natural resources, infrastructures, etc.) that determine the magnitude of the damage along the coast. Forecasting future changes in coastal risk
Specific Objectives
Put the agents that induce coastal risk in the Mediterranean in a global context. Identify the different components that contribute to the value of the coastline and that will determine the magnitude of the potential damage. Present the main expected changes in coastal risk in the Mediterranean and identify the factors that determine them
4h Large group + 5h 36m Self StudyLarge-scale coastal vulnerability and risk assessment methods using the CSI / CVI approach. Presentation of the Coastal Wheel method for preliminary assessment of coastal risk on a very large scale Application of the methods seen in a real case. Comparison of results according to the chosen method.
Specific Objectives
Present the main methods for assessing coastal vulnerability and risk on a large scale using composite indices. Introduce a very large scale preliminary risk analysis method that is valid even in data-poor situations. Become familiar with the use of the tools seen in the topic.
2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self StudyIdentification of the factors that determine coastal erosion at different scales. Using the SPRC analysis framework Medium and long term erosion Quantification of coastal erosion during storms Geomorphological vulnerability and resilience. Assessment of consequences Evaluation of the coastal risk of erosion in a coastal stretch
Specific Objectives
Introduce main characteristics of erosion during storms and evaluation methods
5h Large group + 2h Medium group + 9h 48m Self StudyCoastal flooding during storms Long-term flooding. The effect of sea level rise Compound flooding Vulnerability and consequences. Flood modeling Flood risk analysis in a coastal stretch
4h Large group + 2h Medium group + 1h Laboratory classes + 9h 48m Self StudyThe Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) Risk estimation using CRAF in a stretch of real coast Risk prediction using nested models Forecast system for the impact of storms
3h 30m Large group + 2h Medium group + 2h 30m Laboratory classes + 11h 12m Self StudyDedication
6h Laboratory classes + 8h 23m Self StudyMain risk factors for pollution in the coastal zone Pollutant dispersion models Oil pollution Plastic pollution Numerical modeling of oil pollution Practice: model of plastics in the sea
3h Large group + 4h Medium group + 2h Laboratory classes + 12h 36m Self StudyTsunamis Risks to safety on beaches
3h Large group + 4h 11m Self StudyRisk management strategies Perception of risk. The social component Measures for erosion risks Measures for flood risks Nature-oriented measures Risk management and ICZM Proposal of risk management measures for real cases
6h Large group + 2h Medium group + 11h 12m Self Study