Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Coupled Problems (250963) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Terms of transmission in continuum mechanics Problems transmission conditions


3h Large group + 3h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Link to the homogeneous space problems Link to space problems heterogeneous Coupling time I Coupling time II Problems coupled problems Problems coupled problems II


10h 30m Large group + 6h Medium group + 23h 6m Self Study
Total: 39h 36m

Fluid-structure interaction Thermal and mechanical coupling Mechanical and electromagnetic coupling Application Problems Practical Matlab II


7h Large group + 3h Medium group + 3h 30m Laboratory classes + 18h 54m Self Study
Total: 32h 24m

Implementation issues Problems of implementation issues Practices with MatLab


2h Large group + 3h Medium group + 4h Laboratory classes + 12h 36m Self Study
Total: 21h 36m