The Application of Radar-Based Rainfall Observations and Forecast in Early Warning Systems and Flood Forecasting (250914) – Course 2023/24 PDF
Introduction to Early Warning Systems. Radar as observation instrument
2h Large group + 2h 48m Self StudyAtmospheric processes generating precipitation. Precipitation Observation Quantitative Estimation of Precipitation using meteorological radars (QPE) Blending radar and raingauge estimates
2h Large group + 5h Medium group + 9h 48m Self StudyForecasting precipitation with meteorological models (NWP) Radar Nowcasting. Application to the European radar network OPERA Supervision of the course work. Analysis of the selected papers.
6h Large group + 4h Laboratory classes + 14h Self Study02/11/22 From rainfall nowcasting to Impact-based Early Warnings. The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). Case studies Advanced site-specific warnings. Real-time Early Warning Services for emergency management and response Presentations of the course works based on advanced journal papers
6h Large group + 5h Medium group + 6h Laboratory classes + 23h 48m Self Study