Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Fluvial Morphodynamics (250910) – Course 2023/24 PDF


A general description of rivers. Discussion on the influence of rivers on man's activities and his relationship with nature. Statistical evaluation of the granulometry in a channel. Particle size distribution exercise

Specific Objectives

Understand the nature of the channels. Understand how to evaluate a real granulometry of a channel.


1h Large group + 1h Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Description of the equations of mass and energy in channels and the difference with channels. Detailed description of the momentum equation in a stretch of channel. Consequences of the application of momentum. Description of the hydraulic jump. Definition of resistance to flow, development of resistance equations. Law of distribution of speeds in channels. Study of the resistance to flow in vegetated channels, and channels with granulometry. The first numerical model is developed in an Excel sheet. Energy equation. Construction of the numerical model. The construction of the model continues. momentum valuation Backwater Curves Description Introduction in the model of the solution of the backwater curves. Background tensions. Introduction and first steps in the Hec Ras model.

Specific Objectives

Know the equations of conservation of mass and energy. Know the implications of the momentum balance equation in rivers. Understand the phenomenon of resistance to flow, in channels. Begin to understand to develop a complete numerical model. Introduction of resistance to flow. Introduction of momentum. Understanding backwater curves. Follow the construction of the model. Understanding of background stresses and their implications. Comprehension of the bases of fec ras.


5h Large group + 7h Medium group + 16h 47m Self Study
Total: 28h 47m

Start of movement in bed and slopes. Resistance to flow in channels. Rigid and flexible vegetation. consequences. Distribution of stresses in channels Assessment of the transport formulas, consequence of the distribution of stresses in the channel. Stress balance, Lane balance, analysis of equilibrium in channels. Program the transport formulas in channels in the one-dimensional model in Excel. Development of the first morphodynamic equation in channels. Development of a quasi-stationary numerical method for the solution of the morphodynamic equation in riverbeds. Implement the exner equation to the one-dimensional model elaborated by the students

Specific Objectives

Understand the start of movement in channels Importance of vegetation in riverbeds. Evaluate the forces in rivers with vegetated channels. Assessment of the morphology of the channel through the background stresses. Importance of knowing the transport formulas, how they are evaluated. Consequence of the long-term equilibrium of the channels, practical applications. Real examples, the channel of the dike, the channel of the Magdalena. Carry out exercises with the model elaborated by the students. Understand how the sediment mass conservation equation can be constructed, with the one-dimensional morphodynamic equation based on the Exner equation. Construction of the first one-dimensional morphodynamic model with an Excel application.


10h Large group + 6h Medium group + 22h 24m Self Study
Total: 38h 24m

Planning a model in Hec Ras

Specific Objectives

Exercises for building a Hec ras model based on Qgis. How to plan a complete flood model in Hec-RAs


6h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Local erosion in bridge piers and abutments. Contractions, expansions, curves, dikes, submerged panels, shore control How a fork works, what it is and how the fork can be evaluated. Consequences of bifurcations. Analysis of a practical case in the Patia river.

Specific Objectives

Development of the concepts of general and local erosion. Evaluation and understanding of local phenomena. Understanding the dynamics of bifurcations. See a real application case.


6h Large group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Carrying out experiments on dynamic equilibrium and local erosion in riverbeds. Assessment of the transport capacity of a channel.

Specific Objectives

Understand through the visit to the laboratory the phenomena of transport of solids in channels.


3h Laboratory classes + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m