Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Using Construction Waste (250723) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Conceptual discussion: Sustainability - Waste - Recycling. Recycling in construction - Life Cycle Materials - Sustainability and Energy Efficiency - Carbon footprint

Specific Objectives

Enter the cycle of sustainable construction. Distinguish between primary and secondary materials


1h Large group + 1h 24m Self Study
Total: 2h 24m

Processing. Situation in Spain and the world linked and unlinked applications of recycled aggregates in road. Tests and experiences. Properties of recycled aggregate. Dosage recycled concrete. Recycled concrete properties in fresh and hardened state. Durability RCD fines. Technical considerations and environmental quality Exercise dosing

Specific Objectives

Learn landslides processing construction and demolition waste, fixed and mobile plants, recycled aggregates. become acquainted roads with recycled aggregates from Spain


10h Large group + 2h Medium group + 1h Laboratory classes + 18h 12m Self Study
Total: 31h 12m

Protection of soil and water. Toxicity of organic and inorganic content. Leaching: General concepts. Essays and legislation. Tendencies leaching practice


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Production. Classification. Properties. Additions. Alkali activation


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Inerting for implementation


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Using waste from other industries: Blast furnace slag and steel slag


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Used tires. Use in concrete and asphalt mix


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Municipal solid waste


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Glass, shell of rice, vegetable fibers Practice other recoverable waste Recycling of asphalt


6h Large group + 3h Laboratory classes + 12h 36m Self Study
Total: 21h 36m


3h Laboratory classes + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m