Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Workshops and Research Seminars (250702) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Learning Objectives

Subject to know the latest trends in research related to structural engineering and construction and other cross-cutting issues - Latest trends in research related to structural engineering and construction. - Sofware related to structural analysis and management of structures . - Aspects related to the development of the master thesis: scientific method, writing scientific and technical documents, using database to search scientific articles for the development of state of the art. - Workshops on the structural engineering design.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 28h 56.66 %
Medium group 10.7h 21.67 %
Laboratory classes 10.7h 21.67 %
Self Study 88h

Teaching Methodology

The course consists of 3 hours per week of classroom activity (large size group). The course consists of conducting group workshops on different topics that are included in the contents and sessions of this guide, which are transversal to other subjects of the Master. Support material in the form of a detailed teaching plan is provided using the virtual campus ATENEA: content, program of learning and assessment activities conducted and literature. In the case of the group in English, some workshops where an external expert is invited will be held in Spanish if the guest expresses himself better in that language. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages.

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

The mark of the course is obtained from the ratings of continuous assessment and their corresponding laboratories and/or classroom computers. Continuous assessment consist in several activities, both individually and in group, of additive and training characteristics, carried out during the year (both in and out of the classroom). The teachings of the laboratory grade is the average in such activities.

Test Rules

Failure to perform a laboratory or continuous assessment activity in the scheduled period will result in a mark of zero in that activity.

Office Hours

The schedule of consultations is on wednesday from 12 to 14h in room C1 201.



  • Área de Informática del ITeC. Departamento de Soporte Técnico y Formación. TCQ2000 ITeC : guía de iniciación. Barcelona: Institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya, ITeC, 2015. ISBN 9788478536450.
  • Midas. Midas User Manual. 2006.
  • CSI Computers and structures. Manual de Sap 2000.