Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Laboratory of Environmental Engineering (250681) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Theoretical session explaining the organization of the course, the basic safety rules in a laboratory chemical and precautions in handling reagents and use of the material volume. It also explains the treatment of laboratory waste for proper environmental management.


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Sessions theoretical consolidation and review of basic concepts of chemical analysis: * Definition and classification of different chemical analysis techniques. Quality parameters of methods and instruments. Calibration methods. External calibration pattern. Adding standard. * classic analysis techniques. Theoretical basis of volumes and acid-base complexomètriques. Logarithmic diagrams and titration curves. * instrumental analysis techniques. Fundamentals of optical absorption methods: molecular absorption spectrometry UV-Vis; atomic absorption spectrometry. Electrochemical methods: potentiometry. Introduction to Chromatography: Liquid Chromatography.


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Determination: * Alkalinity by acid-base titration. * pH and conductivity by electrochemical methods. * Hardness determinations by complexometric titration. * Determination of organic compounds (phenols) by molecular absorption spectrometry. Determination: * Metals by atomic absorption spectrometry. Determination: Inorganic anions by liquid chromatography - Determination of sulphates by visible spectrophotometry


18h Laboratory classes + 25h 12m Self Study
Total: 43h 12m

Each group presents the results obtained, their meaning is discussed among all and the results of the different groups are compared


6h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Visit to the Besòs WWTP Visit Ecoparc


6h Laboratory classes + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m


3h Laboratory classes + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m