Environmental and Ecological Economics (250678) – Course 2020/21 PDF
Introduction to Environmental Economics. Natural Resources and Environment - Welfare Economics and the Environment. - Market and Public Policy Failures: Externalities and public goods. - Natural resources and factors of production. - Renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. - Introduction to Ecological Economics. - Introduction to the concept of environmental assessments. - Methods of Environmental Evaluation. - Methods of Revealed Preference. - Methods of Stated Preference.
Specific Objectives
Obtain basic knowledge of environmental valuation techniques, to be applied both in the public and private management of the environment.
24h Large group + 33h 35m Self StudyEnvironmental economic policy: Taxes and Subsidies, Property Rights, Administrative Regulation, Ethical Aspects.
Specific Objectives
The main objective is the introduction of the main instruments for the analysis of technical and economic environment.
9h Large group + 12h 36m Self StudyCompany and wastewater management
Specific Objectives
The main objective of these sessions is the descripction of the main private wastewater policies in firms,
6h Large group + 8h 23m Self Study