Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems and Their Environmental Risk (250674) – Course 2022/23 PDF


State legislation and European legislation on aigüescontinentals, soils and sediments. Water Framework Directive Features and families. Sources, destination and effects in the environment. The Stockholm Convention. Main measures and derived obligations. Sampling. Pretreatment of samples. Principals. Contents: Theory and exercises: 0.75 ECTs. Specific objectives: (*) Obligatory fields Purification techniques. Instrumental analysis for extraction and gas chromatography, icromatografia fluid coupled to mass spectrometry. Ionization methodology. Description of the main types of mass analyzers. Quantification methods.

Specific Objectives

* Know which compounds are under control (air-handling and use) regulations by national and European regulations. * Know the ways of access to information on legislation for environmental chemical pollutants for updating regulations. * Know the main families and differentiate between priority and emerging contaminants. * Understand key features, as well as the entry routes, fate and effects on the environment. * Understand the main measures taken on priority pollutants to the Stockholm Convention . * Know how to properly take an environmentally representative sample. * Know the techniques used in the treatment to demonstrate prior to instrumental analysis the environmental concentration.


4h Large group + 3h Laboratory classes + 9h 48m Self Study
Total: 16h 48m

Analysis and destination of POPs. Development in the territory according to management programs and territorial development technology. Alternatives to implanted systems. Sustainability criteria. Examples. Analysis ECs and processes. Introduction to the environmental transformation processes. Redox processes and environmental degradation in aquifers. Application of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in the structural and environmental identification and characterization. Examples of products: flame retardant compounds, perfluorented compounds, drugs (human and animals medicine). Examples: Flame retardant compounds, perfluorented compounds, drugs (human and animals medicine). ECs and analysis processes. Introduction to the processes of environmental transformation. Redox processes of environmental degradation in aquifers. Evaluation and modeling of the results of the degradation process can experience pollutants in the environment.

Specific Objectives

* Identify the environmental destination of contaminants based on their physicochemical characteristics. * Know the possibilities mass spectrometry for the identification and characterization of transformation products. * Identify the main sources of environmental pollution by the families of compounds considered. * Understand the environmental problems associated with the presence of those contaminants in the aquatic environment. * Identify the environmental destination of contaminants based on their physicochemical characteristics. * Identify the environmental destination of pollutants based on their physicochemical characteristics. * Recognize different degradation processes of pollutants in the environment. Calculations to find the impact on the concentrations of organic pollutants due to the processes of transport and degradation of contaminants can experience the environment.


7h Large group + 6h Medium group + 18h 12m Self Study
Total: 31h 12m

Evaluation second part of the course

Specific Objectives

Final evaluation


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Bioavailability and bioaccumulation. Environmental impact analysis at different levels of organization. Toxicity and way of action of pollutants. Endocrine disruptors: description and main effects. Stress response mechanisms and the presence of contaminants. Biomarkers and biotests. Technical, morphological, biochemical and molecular biology. Description of the specific problems arising from scattering organic pollutants persistent in the environment in human population. Ways of introduction and effects of these compounds in human beings in different stages of the life cycle.

Specific Objectives

* Understanding the basics of environmental biomonitoring and ecotoxicology. * Knowing the most important techniques for assessing environmental pollution. * Identify families of pollutants harmful to human health. * Know the different effects that can cause the human body.


6h Large group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Main ecotoxicity models of complex mixtures of organic micropollutants. Application to the determination of environmental risk. Relationship between risk and chemical state ecològic.Principals chemometric tools in the treatment and interpretation of environmental data. Examples of ecotoxicology and risk

Specific Objectives

* Determine whether a chemical discharged into the environment aquàticrepresenta risk for the ecosystem, through the application of chemometric tools and models ecotoxicity considered. * Complete knowledge through problem solving


2h Large group + 3h Medium group + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h