Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Modeling of Environmental Systems (250672) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Introduction to numerical modeling process: * Operation of natural processes. * Defining and understanding the problem. * The modeling process. Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Stages in the development of a model The limits of a model Exercises and practical work


1h Large group + 1h Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Concept of balance Continuity Equation Quantity Equation Conservation Movement Equation of Conservation of Energy Continuity equation of matter Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

The spatial scales The time cycles Eulerian vs Lagrangian Scheme Exercises and practical work


1h Large group + 1h Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m


7h Laboratory classes + 9h 48m Self Study
Total: 16h 48m

Classification of water quality models (WQM) Criteria for the classification of WQM historical development Dynamics and processes: cycles Basic components of the MCA Self-purification process Simplified temperature model for rivers Model QUAL2E Reservoir temperature and hydrodynamics Water quality model for a reservoir Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Types and models of emission inventory Activity factor, emission sources, typology Emission Factors Emission sources of air pollutants Approach top-down vs bottom-up SNAP nomenclature groups Criteria breakdown Criteria of quality analysis inventory Speciation Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Historical development Gaussian model Lagrangian model Box Model Eulerian model Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Ozone Formation Formation of secundary aerosols Chemical mechanisms Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Evaluation Process Calibration / Verification / Validation / Hindcast Exercises and practical work


1h Large group + 1h Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Variables to evaluate Metrics Thresholds / Data Quality Categorical statistical Statistical Discrete Diagram Taylor Graphics Exercises and practical work


2h Large group + 1h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

Evaluation criteria Uncertainty Analysis Acceptance Criteria Sensitivity Analysis Model intercomparison


1h Large group + 1h 24m Self Study
Total: 2h 24m