Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Advanced Treatment of Industrial Wastewater (250669) – Course 2023/24 PDF


Competent organisms: European Legislation, Spanish legislation, Autonomic Legislation, Local Administration Legislation.-Policy discharge to: Continental waters, Public System.-Law for wastewater reusing.-Calculation of discharge fees in Catalonia (DUCA) Nature and types of pollutants in wastewaters .- Heavy metals, metals and organometalic compounds .- Inorganic Pollutants .- Nutrients.-Effluent characterization studies -General characteristics of municipal effluents. -Characteristics of the main industrial sectors: * Textile and tanning industry * Paper Industry * Chemical Industry * Fine Chemical Industry * Food industry * Mining

Specific Objectives

- Identify the legislation applicable in each case for wastewater . - Set discharge values for the main parameters of pollution of wastewaters . - Perform calculations relating to the declaration of use and pollution charges of water (DUCA) existing Catalonia. - Identify the main families of pollutants in wastewaters .- Understanding the effect that different pollutants produced on the aquatic living organisms.- Understand the concepts of biodegradability, acute and chronic toxicity, bioaccumulation, substances that consume oxygen. -Knowing the most important characteristics of effluents from each sector industrial. -Identify the degree of difficulty in treating industrial effluents to the limits required by law. -Understanding the differences in composition that condition the treatment of domestic and industrial effluents.


2h Large group + 2h Medium group + 1h Laboratory classes + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h

Main wastewater treatment processes for industrial effluents.-Physical processes: Screening, settling, flotation, filtration.-Physicochemical processes: chemical coagulation / flocculation , electro-coagulation, adsorption, chemical and electrochemical oxidation, membrane processes .- Biological processes: aerobic, anaerobic and mixed processes . Presentation of practical cases

Specific Objectives

- Know the fundamentals of the main wastewater treatment processes. - Identify the type of contaminants that each process can remove best. - Know the magnitude of the economic costs of each process. - Identify the wastewater treatment processes best suited to each type of industrial effluent. Learning to focus on solving complex industrial effluents


3h Large group + 2h Medium group + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h

- Coagulant and floculant Products - Jar test test. -Decanters. -Flotators : DAF and CAF.

Specific Objectives

-Design and evaluate the results of the Jar Test -Do the basic design of a wastewater treatment coagulation-flocculation plant.


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Foundamentals of biological processes .- Respirométric Tests.- Aerobic processes.- Activated sludge processes.-Microorganisms.-F/M ratio.- Oxygen consumption .-Nutrient Effect of pH and temperature.-Design of a wastewater activated sludge treatment plant

Specific Objectives

-To know the different types of microorganisms involved in biological treatment and its role in the process. - Knowing how biological processes properly removing nutrients. -Specify the nomenclature and symbols used in the study of these processes. -Identify and define correctly the influence of the parameters and factors that govern biological processes.


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Fenton Processes .- Fotocatálisis.- Ozonization.- Fotochemical processes.- Wet Oxidation Processes .- Coupled processes.-Applications

Specific Objectives

- Know the foundamentals of advanced oxidation processes . - Identify the type of contaminants that each process can eliminate best. - Know the magnitude of the economic costs of each treatment. -Identify Process best suited to each type of industrial effluent .


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Line od sludge treatment. - Thickening. - Stabilization. - Sludge Dehydration: centrifuges, filter presses, belt filters and sludge drying beds. - Drying and incineration. - Disposal: landfill, composting, agriculture. Parameters that determine the reutilización.-Aspects related with health.- Technologies used in the recovery of water.- Examples of reuse and recycling industry

Specific Objectives

- Explain the values and the main applications of the different processes of sludge management. - Plan and solve material balance calculations of sludge treatment processes. - Meet alternatives to recovery of sludge. Distinguish between reuse and recycling.- Know the legal conditions for reusing efluentes.- To be able to identify the most efficient technologies for reuse and recycling of efluentes.- design the most appropriate combination of processes to allow reuse or recycling according to effluent composition.


2h Large group + 2h Medium group + 4h Laboratory classes + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Tipologies de monitorització: mesures off-line, at-line, on-line i in-line. Sistemes de pressa de mostre en sistemes de anàlisis on-line. Principies dels sistemes de monitorització. Tipologies de analitzadors i sensors. Exemples de sensors i analitzadors: matèria orgànica, demanda bioquímica d'Oxigen (DBO), Carboni Orgànic Total (TOC), Matèries en Suspensió (MES) , Conductivitat elèctrica, Oxigen dissol, Nitrogen, Fòsfor.- Matèries inhibidores.-

Specific Objectives

-Conèixer els paràmetres més importants en la caracterització d'un efluent, -Identificar els errors que es poden produir en l'anàlisi i interpretació dels diferents paràmetres. -Saber escollir les tècniques més adequades per a les determinacions analítiques.


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Definition of the annoying annoyance. Odor Scales and Odor Regulation. Systems of odoriferous annoying monitoring. Quantification panels of odoriferous discomfort. Odoriferous emission treatment systems, Odoriferous scattering Odoriferous annoyance control problems. Targets

Specific Objectives

- Understand the different methods of control of a physicochemical EDAR to optimize its performance and reduce costs. - Understand the foundation of the different methods of control of an activated sludge WWTP. - Perform calculations for the control of a WWTP from of the experimental data of the sewage treatment plant. - Identify the most common problems of operation and propose solutions. Know the main parameters of control


3h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h