Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Ecomaterials and Sustainable Construction (250668) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Give an overview of the main parameters of the Construction Sector which condition their subsequent approach to sustainability Define the life cycle and system boundaries. Explain existing processes at each stage, and the actors involved. Emphasize the interactions between them (borders), as points of problems. Rationale of multicriteria methods for assessing sustainability. Explain MIVES. Examples of application in the sector.

Specific Objectives

Deepening the knowledge of their conditioning sector i Describe the life cycle of the construction sector, analyzing the stages and actors involved in each Explain a multi-method (MIVES) for the assessment of sustainability in the construction sector


4h Large group + 2h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

To introduce students to the use of traditional materials and ecological construction. The student will study and analyze the use of sustainable materials in the construction in order to minimize, from a production point of view, energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The student will have the tools to evaluate products of different nature in building materials tools. The student will achieve the necessary knowledge in the analysis and management of waste on site The use of secondary materials (recycled aggregates, industrial by-products, sediments, etc.) make the new construction materials more sustainable, with less environmental impact. However, new construction materials must have similar or better physical-mechanical properties and durability, and they must be eco-efficient.

Specific Objectives

-- Review of different types of waste used in construction. Management at work. Identify and meet innovative materials from the point of view of sustainability. Examples of applications Know how to determine the eco-efficiency of construction materials, and be able to define the most eco-efficient materials according to their application.


4h Large group + 4h Medium group + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Analysis of obtaining construction and demolition waste and its treatment. Description of the treatment on-site and off-site, type of existing recycling plants. Classification of types of recycled aggregates produced and their properties. Existing regulations according to their composition and regulated applications. Due to the limiting properties of recycled aggregates to be used in the production of high-performance materials, research works have been carried out to improve their properties by surface treatments. Analysis of obtaining construction and demolition waste and its treatment. Description of the treatment on-site and off-site, type of existing recycling plants. A bibliographical analysis of the real cases carried out will be carried out. As well as a visit to a recycling plant will take place. There is a lot of waste that can be valued through recycling or reuse and used as a resource in the manufacture of construction materials.

Specific Objectives

Meet existing technologies for treatment of RCD to obtain an adequate quality of recycled aggregates. Identify different types of recycled aggregates and their properties. Know the different treatment techniques applicable to recycled aggregates to improve their properties and directly improve the properties of recycled concrete. Meet existing technologies for treatment of RCD to obtain an adequate quality of recycled aggregates. See real works carried out and gain awareness of possible applications. Know and assess the most common waste to be valued through recycling. So the waste that can be reused.


6h Large group + 7h Medium group + 3h Laboratory classes + 22h 24m Self Study
Total: 38h 24m

Water management in construction. Consumption in the manufacture of materials and execution of works. Management demanda.Sistemas catchment and water management. Recycling systems and water treatment and withdrawal

Specific Objectives

Describe the relationship of construcciony the water cycle and its relationship to lasostenibilidad. - Identify and quantify flows aguaasociados construction processes.


4h Large group + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

The energy consumption through the whole life cycle of the construction. Energy initially built, recurring embodied energy, operational energy and energy built demolition. Regulations governing the energy consumption in the use phase of the building. Fundamental implications. Phenomenology and response strategies to climate change. Mitigation and adaptation.

Specific Objectives

Describe the relationship between the building and the energy consumption and its relationship to sustainability. To understand the regulations. Identify and quantify energy flows associated with the construction process. Define and quantify improvement strategies.


4h Large group + 2h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m


5h Laboratory classes + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h