Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Management of Environmental Projects (250663) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Learning Objectives

CE01 - Apply scientific concepts to environmental problems and their correlation with technological concepts. CE04 - Identify, define and propose technological management and appropriate solution to an environmental problem. CE06 - Ask practically, with an economic perspective and according to the applicable environmental legislation, environmental management tools and environmental risk assessment. CE07 - Plan and schedule projects according to parameters cross-project evaluation, develop and organize their basic documentation and analyze technical and economic viability. Understand the context in which they have developed environmental policies. Meet environmental legislative framework and the main regulations that develop it. Analyzes the economic factors associated with environmental management. Understands the concepts and actions resulting from the prevention and control of pollution. Know the main elements associated with environmental management. Apply environmental management tools. Tools known environmental risk analysis for human health and ecosystems. Meet the analysis tools lifecycle and sustainability, and its practical application. Solidify the main knowledge that characterize and define the project methodologies and their application to the field of Environmental Engineering. Acquire knowledge and skills to manage environmental projects, evaluating alternatives and making decisions about their viability. Definition applies methods and project management in the development of an environmental project (case study). Learn in a practical way the dynamics of multidisciplinary teamwork. Introduction to the methodology of projects. Project planning. Economic evaluation of the project. Close the project and delivery of documentation. Practical application through the development of a practical project team to resolve an environmental actual or fictitious problem.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 25.5h 56.67 %
Medium group 9.8h 21.67 %
Laboratory classes 9.8h 21.67 %
Self Study 80h

Teaching Methodology

The course consist of 3 hours per week of classroom. Part of theses hours will be devoted to the presentation by the teacher of the essential concepts and elements of the subject. It is also envisaged that some of these concepts will be acquired by conducting, analyzing and discussion of case studies. Another part these hours will be devoted to work in small groups (collaborative groups) on the project management of an environmental project. Throughout the course, the students will have to present different deliverables associated with the result obtained in the project management process of the proposed project. Support material in the form of a detailed teaching plan is provided using the virtual campus ATENEA: content, program of learning and assessment activities conducted and literature. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages.

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

The mark of the course is obtained from the ratings of continuous assessment and their corresponding case studies and/or group assignments. Continuous assessment consist in several activities, both individually and in group, of additive and training characteristics, carried out during the year (both in and out of the classroom). The evaluation tests consist of a part with questions about concepts associated with the learning objectives of the course with regard to knowledge or understanding, and a part with a set of application exercises. The final mark of the subject will be calculated, with the indicated weighting, from the following marks: - Final evaluation of theory 35% - Exercises of theory sessions and case studies 15% - Project management work. Documents and reports 10% - Project management work. Individual performance 35% - Project management work. Oral presentation 5%

Test Rules

Student's participation in group follow-up sessions will be one of the criteria used for evaluating students; to that effect, these sessions are considered an evaluation event. Therefore, any unjustified non-attendance to these sessions will result of zero in that activity. The oral presentation session is also considered as an evaluation event and, thus, a subject final grade of zero will be given in case of no-attendance to this session. The marks of the exercises and cases studies performed in the theory is obtained based on the activities or work done in these sessions, related to the theoretical concepts that are introduced in them, and will not be possible to request replacing them by alternative activities. A minimum of 75% classes attendance is considered necessary to be evaluated To pass the subject, the students must deliver and expose orally all work requested during the course.

Office Hours

Hours of attention to students is conducted both during the intervals between classes and by means of hours agreed in person or by electronic mail.


