Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Environmental Economics, Legislation and Policy (250661) – Course 2023/24 PDF


The fundamental concepts of economic analysis are presented. These concepts allow to analyze the decisions of the major economic actors (both private and public), and under different market structures.

Specific Objectives

Mastering the key instruments, both public and private economic analysis.


6h Large group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

- Introduction to the Basics of Public Economics. - Introduction to the main instruments of Environmental Policy. - Introduction to environmental assessment methodologies. - Indirect methods: Cost Travel, avoided costs and hedonic price. - Direct methods: Contingent Valuation. - Other. Description and theoretical foundations of the main environmental valuation methodologies.

Specific Objectives

Applying Organizational and Management Techniques in Real Productions of Natural Resources through the effects from alternative sources. Assess effects of Social and Private Partners in Real Productions through Natural Resources from alternatives. Estimation of sources of main social and private problems linked to the functioning of the production company of Natural Resources from alternative sources. Explore the diversity of ways in which environment and social difference are intertwined and how the justice of their interrelationship matters.


24h Large group + 33h 35m Self Study
Total: 57h 35m

Consider the main problems linked to external private and a business producing goods using natural resources.

Specific Objectives

Knowledge of the main instruments of economic environmental analysis.


6h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m


3h Laboratory classes + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m