Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Project Design and Evaluation in Engineering and Marine Sciences (250586) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Learning Objectives

This subject will consist in showing the students the fundamental aspects that must be considered for the planning, elaboration and execution of a consultancy work, scientific research or industrial project, and which can be applied to the preparation of their end of degree work. Emphasis will be placed on formal aspects of a project design and the definition of its structure, as well as its communication and defense. 1. Evaluate the life cycle of engineering and marine science projects. Identify problems and approach alternatives. 2. Know the construction of the cash flows for the realization of investments and the control of the subsequent operational costs. 3. Perform a risk analysis to reduce the uncertainty of the project. The topics addressed in this matter cover most of the physical, environmental and ecological problems and challenges identified by the scientific community and the social agents that the coastal zone will face in the near future under different development scenarios and climate change. 1. Introduce students to the scheme and tools for designing, developing, evaluating and managing projects, both for interventions in the marine / coastal environment and for research and development of tools to support these projects. 2. Analyze the different dimensions of the projects, structured by their life cycle and considering material resources, human resources and financial management. 3. To provide students with a global vision of the different administrations - local, regional, state, European, international - participants / financiers of the projects, and the relationship and interrelation with them and between them. 4. Apply the tools presented during the course to projects of actions in the marine and coastal environment. 5. Apply the tools presented during the development of the course to support and research projects. 6. Enhance the ability of students to integrate the different components needed for multidisciplinary projects, necessary for marine sciences and technologies.



To know and apply the lexicon and concepts of the Marine Sciences and Technologies and other related fields.

Establish a good practice in the integration of common numerical, laboratory and field techniques in the analysis of any problem related to the marine environment.

Participate and eventually lead multidisciplinary work teams in the field of Marine Sciences and Technologies to respond to the social challenges related to this field.

Evaluate the dynamics of seas and oceans at different scales, identifying water masses and their properties. (Specific competence of Marine Science and Engineering Mention)

To set, analyze and optimize the functionality of actions and infrastructures in the marine environment. (Specific competence of the Marine Science and Engineering Mention)

Carry out operational predictions in the open sea and coastal areas, including the corresponding risk maps. (Specific competence of the Marine Science and Engineering Mention)

Use state-of-the-arte mathematical models in the marine field to analyze impacts and interactions with socio-economic activities supported by this environment. (Specific competence of the Marine Science and Engineering Mention)

Develop a conceptual framework to address the sustainability of the marine environment and the related socio-economic activities at different scales, explaining the effects of climate change.

Set, plan and execute basic and applied research in the field of Marine Sciences and Technologies.

Carry out calculations, assessments, surveys and inspections in coastal and marine environments, as well as the corresponding technical documents.

Write technical reports and disseminate knowledge about the different components of the marine system, considering the applicable legal framework.

Apply the necessary tools to analyze the economic and legal aspects of human actions and the related impacts on the marine environment, including technical advice and representation of companies and administrations.


Develop a conceptual framework that links the scientific-technological and management aspects for marine resources, explaining the interactions with marine infrastructures and management plans in coastal areas.

Encompass and teach studies in the different research lines that converge in Marine Sciences and Technologies.

Combining preservation with economic activity within the framework of current legislation promoting the development of a social and environmental awareness.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 30h 50.00 %
Medium group 15h 25.00 %
Laboratory classes 15h 25.00 %
Self Study 90h

Teaching Methodology

The course consists of 2.3 hours per week of classroom activity (large size group) and 1.2 hours weekly with half the students (medium size group). The 2.3 hours in the large size groups are devoted to theoretical lectures, in which the teacher presents the basic concepts and topics of the subject, shows examples and solves exercises. The 1.2 hours in the medium size groups is devoted to solving practical problems with greater interaction with the students. The objective of these practical exercises is to consolidate the general and specific learning objectives. The rest of weekly hours devoted to laboratory practice. Support material in the form of a detailed teaching plan is provided using the virtual campus ATENEA: content, program of learning and assessment activities conducted and literature. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages.

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

The mark of the course is obtained from the ratings of continuous assessment and their corresponding laboratories and/or classroom computers. Continuous assessment consist in several activities, both individually and in group, of additive and training characteristics, carried out during the year (both in and out of the classroom). The teachings of the laboratory grade is the average in such activities. The evaluation tests consist of a part with questions about concepts associated with the learning objectives of the course with regard to knowledge or understanding, and a part with a set of application exercises.

Test Rules

Through continuous assessment during the course and the presentation of a team course work

Office Hours

To be determined with the students



  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate change 2022 : mitigation of climate change. IPCC, ISBN 978-92-9169-160-9.