Ocean Biological Processes (250572) – Course 2024/25 PDF
Introduction to oceanic biological processes
Specific Objectives
to know the distribution of the different marine ecosystems, in addition to the distribution of the chemical elements and their abundance in relation to the biological processes, the cycles of matter and the trophic networks that they address in the marine environment, as well as some of the oceanographic research techniques .
4h Large group + 5h 36m Self StudyEnergy fluxes and interaction proceses Laboratory
Specific Objectives
The objective of this topic is to know the primary and secondary processes of the marine environment, as well as the snow and regenerated production existing in ocean ecosystems. The seasonality of primary production and the adaptations of different organisms to environmental processes will also be studied. In order to interpret the adaptations to pelagic life presented by the specimen, two different species will be observed in the laboratory, a pelagic fish with a typically benthic one, and these species will have to be drawn and compared. Biometric study of a specimen of a species of fish, to assess the state of a fishery resource, which allows estimating the age of first maturity, growth evaluations and being able to determine the size and age of the first allowable catch. It will also be necessary to know its stomach content to establish trophic networks in a body of water and to be able to estimate the function that a species fulfills considering its size and age.
4h Large group + 20h Laboratory classes + 33h 35m Self StudyDissolved gases, OM and nutrients Oceanic biological processes
Specific Objectives
know in detail the different cycles of nutrients existing in the marine environment, as well as their interaction in ecosystems and organisms, as well as the different gases dissolved in seawater and the production of organic matter Approach to a research topic. Identification of relevant questions and methods to find answers by discussing scientific articles on the subject.
6h Large group + 10h Medium group + 22h 24m Self StudyExport
Specific Objectives
Know the biological pump and the different methodological aspects, as well as the spatio-temporal variability in export at sea. Attenuation of vertical flow and shallow and deep sedimentation occurred in the ocean. Coast-ocean differences
6h Large group + 8h 23m Self StudyMarine environments
Specific Objectives
The objective of this topic is to know the different habitats existing in the marine environment and their interaction with the rest of the oceanographic variables, as well as their characteristics and exceptionalities that allow a specific community in each of them.
6h Large group + 8h 23m Self Studybiological and physical processes interactions
Specific Objectives
The objective of this topic is to know the relationship between the physical processes of the marine environment and the biological processes that occur in the ocean, in order to establish the complex connections that organisms in this environment are subjected to.
4h Large group + 5h 36m Self Study