Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Geology and Coastal Geomorphology (250558) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Fundamental concepts Temporal and Spatial scales Practice evolution of the coastline Creation of a poster as a summary of an article


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Cohesive materials and rocks Non-cohesive materials Practice of granulometric analysis


4h Large group + 2h Medium group + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Wind Waves The average level of the sea The sea currents


8h Large group + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Cliffs and platforms Models of behavior


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Characteristics and morphodynamic processes Behavioral models


4h Large group + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Morphology and typology Morphodynamic processes Models of behavior


8h Large group + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Genesis, morphology and classification Deltaic processes Models of behavior Prudential model of delta evolution Visit to the Ebro delta


6h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Genesis and morphology Dune-beach interaction Models of behavior Morphological dune cartography


6h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 11h 12m Self Study
Total: 19h 12m

Typology and characteristics Sedimentary dynamics


4h Large group + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

Characteristics and classification Influence on coastal dynamics


4h Large group + 5h 36m Self Study
Total: 9h 36m

They show the impacts induced by man on the coast Visit to the beaches clouse to Barcelona


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m