Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Marine Environment Physics (250555) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Properties of fluids. Pressure Fluids - specific density and gravity - compressibility Flotation and Archimedes' principle Exercises Types of flow. Continuity equation. Bernoulli's equation and energy conservation. Viscosity. Reynolds' number. Exercises Fluid practice


10h Large group + 10h Medium group + 2h Laboratory classes + 30h 48m Self Study
Total: 52h 48m

Types of waves and their properties. Energy and intensity. Mathematical representation Exercises Reflection, transmission and interference. Stationary waves Resonance Refraction. Snell's law. Diffraction Exercises Wave groups and Doppler effect Propagation of sound and light Exercises


14h Large group + 6h Medium group + 28h Self Study
Total: 48h


6h Laboratory classes + 8h 23m Self Study
Total: 14h 23m

Temperature, heat and energy transfer. Specific heat Latent heat Ideal gas equation. First law of thermodynamics. Isothermal, adiabatic and isobaric processes. Work. Ideal gases. Heat transfer. Conduction, convection and radiation. Exercises Thermal machines Reversible and irreversible processes. Entropy Second law of thermodynamics. Exercises


8h Large group + 4h Medium group + 16h 47m Self Study
Total: 28h 47m