Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Environmental Chemistry (250551) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Learning Objectives

The objective of this subject is to provide a solid base of the principles of Chemistry to address a wide variety of issues relevant to the study of the natural environment. Topics are treated with an important problem-solving component, and include: the atom and the structure of matter, concepts of thermodynamics and equilibrium, oxidation-reduction reactions and chemical kinetics. 1.- Understand the composition and structure of matter. Atomic structure Periodic table. Chemical bonding of sea compounds. 2.- Chemical reactions in the marine environment. Chemical balance. Principle of Le Chatelier. Concentration. Constant balance. Chemical kinetics. Acid-base equilibria. PH concept. Alkalinity. The carbonate-carbonate system. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Redox potential. 3.-Chemical thermodynamics. Status functions. Internal energy. Enthalpy and Gibbs free energy. Law of mass action. Entropy Balance of phases. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The objective of this subject is to provide a solid basis for the principles of Chemistry to be able to address the various problems relevant to the study of the natural environment. The topics covered, with an important component of problem solving, include: the atom and structure of matter, concepts of thermodynamics and equilibrium, oxidation-reduction reactions and chemical kinetics. This is where the bases are set in generalist but essential aspects of the 5 major areas of the Marine Sciences and Technologies (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geology and Mathematics), as a continuation of the training acquired in the baccalaureate , but with a clear environmental focus and that the bases for the training in Marine Sciences and Technologies will be established.



To know and apply the lexicon and concepts of the Marine Sciences and Technologies and other related fields.

Establish a good practice in the integration of common numerical, laboratory and field techniques in the analysis of any problem related to the marine environment.


Develop a professional activity in the field of Marine Sciences and Technologies.

Address in a comprehensive manner the analysis and preservation of the marine environment with sustainability criteria.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 30h 50.00 %
Medium group 15h 25.00 %
Laboratory classes 15h 25.00 %
Self Study 90h

Teaching Methodology

The subject consists of 4.0 hours per week of classroom lessons in the classroom (large group). Of these, and as an average throughout the course, they dedicate 2 hour to the resolution of problems with a greater interaction with the student. Practical exercises are carried out in order to consolidate the general and specific learning objectives. Support material is used in the format of a detailed teaching plan through the ATENEA virtual campus: contents, programming of assessment activities and directed learning and bibliography. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages. To do the laboratory practices you need the following personal protective equipment (PPE): * Chemical Kit (white lab coat + protection gloves + safety glasses)

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

Ordinary Evaluation (EO) The qualification of the continuous evaluation is obtained from the weighted arithmetic mean of the exercises/problems (Pr) delivered during the course, of the directed activities such as assignments or reports (Tr) and of the partial exams (Ex , which will have the same value). Two partial exams will be carried out and they will count 70% of the grade. Problems will count 15% and directed activities will count 15%. The final mark will be: EO=0.7*(average of Ex1 and Ex2)+0.15*(average of Pr) +0.15*(average of Tr). To pass, the EO grade must be greater than or equal to 5.0. Re-evaluation (RE) The qualification and admission criteria for the RE are as follows: students who failed the ordinary evaluation and who have regularly taken the evaluation tests for the failed subject will have the option of taking a RE test. in the period established in the academic calendar. Students who have already passed the EO cannot be submitted to the RE of a subject, nor are students classified as not submitted or who have not submitted all the exercises/problems (Pr) and/or the papers and reports ( Tr) of the workshops/laboratories. The RE test will consist of a single exam that covers all the content of the course. The maximum grade for the reassessment will be five (5.0) and the final grade for the course will be the maximum grade between the continuous assessment and the reassessment exam, that is, MAX(EO/RE). The non-attendance of a student summoned to the re-evaluation test, held in the set period, may not lead to another test at a later date. Extraordinary evaluations will be carried out for those students who, due to accredited force majeure, have not been able to take any of the continuous evaluation tests. These tests must be authorized by the corresponding head of studies, at the request of the professor responsible for the subject, and will be carried out within the corresponding school period.

Test Rules

If any of the laboratory or continuous assessment activities are not carried out in the scheduled period, it will be considered a zero score. The tests will be carried out individually, with multiple choice questions that can be theoretical or problem type questions. The exams can include short questions to be developed by the students and exercises to be solved.

Office Hours

Se solicitará al profesor de la asignatura




"The subject consists of 4.0 hours per week of classroom lessons in the classroom (large group). Of these, and as an average throughout the course, they dedicate 2 hour to the resolution of problems with a greater interaction with the student. Practical exercises are carried out in order to consolidate the general and specific learning objectives. Support material is used in the format of a detailed teaching plan through the ATENEA virtual campus: contents, programming of assessment activities and directed learning and bibliography. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages. To do the laboratory practices you need the following personal protective equipment (PPE): * Chemical Kit (white lab coat + protection gloves + safety glasses) You can buy them at UPC Shop (upc-shop.com) or any specialty store."