Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Slope Stability (250521) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Phases of slope movements. Strength parameters associated with movement phases. Landslide behavior: failure conditions and post-failure movement (propagation). Classification of slope movements: differentiating characteristic features.


3h Large group + 4h 30m Self Study
Total: 7h 30m

Short and long term strength. Residual strength. Progressive failure. Measurement of strengthparameters: laboratory and in situ tests. Strength properties of rock joints.


3h Large group + 4h 30m Self Study
Total: 7h 30m

Recognition objectives. Most frequent patterns of instability: torrential basins, steep slopes in hard rocks, slopes with moderate slopes in soft rocks. Landslide identification criteria and techniques. Recognition of large active landslides. Reconstruction of the geometry of the failure surface in inactive landslides.

Related Activities

Practice 1. Recognition of large landslides: real cases (2 h) Practice 2. Methods of remote capture of geological data (3 h)


1h Large group + 5h Laboratory classes + 9h Self Study
Total: 15h

Simple cases: sands and clays in the short and long term. infinite slope General methods.

Related Activities

Practice 3. Tutoring limit equilibrium methods. Using Slide2. (2 h) Practice 4. Stability analysis: study of real cases. (3 h)


3h Large group + 5h Laboratory classes + 12h Self Study
Total: 20h

Mechanism of movement, speed of movement and risk. Propagation mechanisms. Strength loss mechanisms. Compound slides. Geometry and strength of failure surfaces. Characteristics of large landslides and their speed. (3 h)

Related Activities

Workshop 5. Mobility analysis of large slides: real cases (2 h)


3h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 7h 30m Self Study
Total: 12h 30m

Geomorphological approach. Empirical methods: shadow angle, reach angle. Reach angle: friction coefficient, volume dependence, reach dependence, mechanism influence. Mobility of large landslides. Shadow and reach angles: probabilistic analysis. (2 hours)


2h Large group + 3h Self Study
Total: 5h

Surficial topographic and geodesic techniques. Geotechnical techniques. Remote sensing.


3h Large group + 4h 30m Self Study
Total: 7h 30m

Stabilization and reinforcement of slopes and cuttings. Protective structures.


3h Large group + 4h 30m Self Study
Total: 7h 30m

Basic concepts of danger and risk. Need for susceptibility analysis. Analysis of susceptibility to breakage: “Knowledge driven” methods (heuristics), “data driven” methods, physically based methods. Hazard analysis. Slip event and MORLEs. Probability of occurrence: estimation methods. Construction of magnitude - frequency curves. Dating of landslides. Preparation of hazard maps. Hazard assessment. (2 h)

Related Activities

Practice 6. Hazard analysis of real cases (3 h)


2h Large group + 3h Laboratory classes + 7h 30m Self Study
Total: 12h 30m

Landslide intensity Descriptors. Hazard matrix: intensity – frequency relationship. Vulnerability to slope movements. Risk zoning: zoning levels and map scale. Work scale and recommended techniques. Risk reduction. Risk management. (2 hours)

Related Activities

Practice 7. Risk analysis of real cases (2 h)


2h Large group + 2h Laboratory classes + 6h Self Study
Total: 10h