Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Advanced Design of Concrete Structures (250473) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Learning Objectives

Specialization subject in which knowledge on specific competences is intensified. Knowledge and skills at specialization level that permit the development and application of techniques and methodologies at advanced level. Contents of specialization at master level related to research or innovation in the field of engineering. The course on "Advanced design of concrete structures" intends to supplement a basic course of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures and provide a knowledge at the level of structural specialist. One of the objectives is to strengthen the projectual capacity of students by introducing concepts related to design and construction systems. Particular emphasis is made on the "Strut and tie" model as a general method of design, especially suitable for areas of discontinuity. This method is applied to the study of structural elements with geometric or mechanical discontinuity, such as corbels, deep beams or anchorage zones Related to structural analysis, some aspects studied are the effects of prestressing in statically indeterminate structures as well as long term and nonlinear behaviour, construction effects, and the design of structures partially prestressed, taking into account the service and ultimate limit states. Limit states not studied in a basic course, such as punching, instability or fatigue are taught.



Knowledge of all kinds of structures and materials and the ability to design, execute and maintain structures and buildings for civil works.

Knowledge of and competence in the application of advanced structural design and calculations for structural analysis, based on knowledge and understanding of forces and their application to civil engineering structures. The ability to assess structural integrity.


ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION: Being aware of and understanding the mechanisms on which scientific research is based, as well as the mechanisms and instruments for transferring results among socio-economic agents involved in research, development and innovation processes.

SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT: Being aware of and understanding the complexity of the economic and social phenomena typical of a welfare society, and being able to relate social welfare to globalisation and sustainability and to use technique, technology, economics and sustainability in a balanced and compatible manner.

TEAMWORK: Being able to work in an interdisciplinary team, whether as a member or as a leader, with the aim of contributing to projects pragmatically and responsibly and making commitments in view of the resources that are available.

Total hours of student work

Hours Percentage
Supervised Learning Large group 25.5h 56.67 %
Medium group 9.8h 21.67 %
Laboratory classes 9.8h 21.67 %
Self Study 80h

Teaching Methodology

The course consists of 3 hours a week of face-to-face classes (or not, depending on the circumstances) Approximately two hours of each class session is devoted to exposing the basic concepts of the subject and to present examples that help to consolidate the general and specific learning objectives. In addition, questions to be answered and exercises to be read/solved by the students will be proposed, that will be discussed and covered the following week. Sufficient material will be provided to the students so that they can deep into the subject and answer the questions and understand/solved the proposed problems. The remaining hour of each session will be devoted to solving students' doubts about the subject explained, the problems proposed and the questions asked the previous week. The distribution of this time (2h + 1h) will depend on the subject and the availability of time, according to the development of the subject. Support material in detailed teaching plan format is used through the ATENEA virtual campus: contents, programming of assessment and directed learning activities and bibliography. Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, sessions supported by other occasional guest experts may be held in other languages.

Grading Rules

The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

The evaluation will be continued and will have two components: 1) the course work and 2) the final exam. The course work will consist of a design or verification of a structure, of limited entity where the concepts discussed within the course are applied. The final exam will be done at the end of the course by means of questions and / or short conceptual problems, but which require demonstrating the ability to apply the fundamental concepts of the subject A final grade equal to or greater than 5 is required to pass the course. Those students that do not pass the course with this evaluation system, will have right to an extraordinary exam.

Test Rules

Failure to perform a laboratory or continuous assessment activity in the scheduled period will result in a mark of zero in that activity.

Office Hours

Prof. Juan Murcia: After class or by appointment. Office C1-203B. Other professors of the course: by appointment.



  • Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN). Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures: ENV 1992. Brussels: European Comittee for standardization, 1995.
  • Espanya. Código estructural. 1ª edición. Madrid : Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, noviembre 2021. ISBN 978-84-498-1059-6.
  • Murcia, J.; Aguado, A.; Marí, A.R. Hormigón armado y pretensado: vol. 2. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1993. ISBN 84-7653-357-8.
  • Marí, A.R.; Aguado, A.; Agulló, L.; Martínez, F.; Cobo, D. Hormigón armado y pretensado: ejercicios: adaptado a la instrucción EHE. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 1999. ISBN 84-8301-302-9.
  • Marí, A.R.; Molins, C.; Bairán, J.M.; Oller, E. Formigó armat i pretensat: exercicis curts de bases de càlcul i estats límits, adaptat a la Instrucció EHE-08. 2a ed. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2009. ISBN 978-84-9880-390-7.
  • Comisión Permanente del Hormigón. Instrucción de hormigón estructural: EHE: con comentarios de los miembros de la Comisión Permanente del Hormigón. 5a ed. rev. Madrid: Ministerio de Fomento, 1999. ISBN 8449803969.
  • Jiménez Montoya, P. [et al.]. Hormigón armado. 15a ed. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2009. ISBN 9788425223075.
  • Calavera, J. Proyecto y cálculo de estructuras de hormigón: en masa, armado y pretensado, de acuerdo con la nueva instrucción EHE-08: de acuerdo con el EUROCÓDIGO EC-2. 2a ed. Madrid: Intemac, 2008. ISBN 9788488764058.
  • Naaman, A.J. Prestressed concrete, analysis and design. 3rd ed. New York: Techno Pr, 2012. ISBN 0967493927.
  • Miguel Sosa, P.F.; Fernández Prada, M.A.; Bonet Senach, J.L.; Martí Vargas, J.R.; Navarro Gregori, J.; Castro Bugallo, M.C.; Pallarés Rubio, L. Proyecto de estructuras de hormigón mediante el método de las bielas y tirantes. 2a ed. ampl. y adapt. Valencia: Ediciones VJ, 2009. ISBN 9788496937826.
  • Paulay, T.; Priestley, M.J.N. Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. New York: Wiley & Sons, 1992. ISBN 0471549150.
  • Park, R.; Gamble, W.L. Reinforced concrete slabs. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000. ISBN 0471348503.
  • Federation International du Beton (FIB). Structural concrete: textbook on behaviour, design and performance. 2nd ed. Lausanne: International Federation for Structural Concrete, 2010-2012. ISBN 9782883940925.