Life-Cycle Analysis and Sustainability Assessment (250462) – Course 2024/25 PDF
1.1. OBJECTIVES 1.2. ORGANIZATION AND DOCUMENTATION 1.2.1. Approach 1.2.2. Development 1.2.3. Program and bibliography 1.2.4. Evaluation
Specific Objectives
Knowledge of basic contents and objectives of the subject and general aspects of its organization (focus, development, schedule, bibliography and qualification).
1h Large group + 1h 24m Self Study2.1. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2.1.1. Background and historical development 2.1.2. Application to the construction and infrastructures sector 2.2. LIFE CYCLE PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS 2.2.1. Relevance of the concept 2.2.2. Application for infrastructure
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability related to the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development and life cycle processes and products, particularly in the field of construction and infrastructures, knowledge of its historical background and understanding of their relevance and importance in the current context.
3h 30m Large group + 4h 54m Self Study3.1. DEFINITION OF LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS AND MAIN STAGE 3.2. FLOW CHART AND INVENTORY OF THE LIFE CYCLE. ALLOCATION OF IMPACTS 3.3. LIFE CYCLE IMPACTS ASSESSMENT 3.3.1. Classification. Impact categories 3.3.2. Characterization 3.3.3. Normalization, clustering and weighting 3.3.4. Types of models and methodologies 3.4. CARBON TRACES AND WATER 3.5. TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS. ISO AND EUROPEAN STANDARDS
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability and full development of individual cases related to the methodology of life cycle analysis with particular focus on its application in the field of construction and infrastructures and including all stages and aspects involved, as allocation or impact categories. Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability related to the concepts of carbon footprint and water. Knowledge of the types of environmental assessments and standards in relation to life cycle analysis.
4h 30m Large group + 6h 18m Self Study4.1. COMPUTER TOOLS AND DATABASES 4.2. PRESENTATION OF A SPECIFIC INFORMATION TOOL 4.2.1. Background 4.2.2. Main databases 4.2.3. Impact Methodologies 4.2.4. User Interface 4.3. APPLICATION EXAMPLE OF THE COMPUTER TOOL 4.3.1. Objectives and scope 4.3.2. Entering inventory data 4.3.3. Creating assemblies and life cycle stage of the process or product 4.3.4. Presentation and interpretation of results. Analysis and comparison
Specific Objectives
Knowledge of tools and computer databases for the use of the methodology of life cycle analysis. Knowledge, understanding and capacity of life cycle analysis application, with particular focus on its use in the field of construction and infrastructures, using existing software tools, with specific use and seeing throw one of them deeply.
4h 30m Medium group + 6h 18m Self Study5.1. PAVEMENTS IN AREAS OF LOW TRAFFIC INTENSITY (INDUSTRIAL AND URBAN) 5.1.1. Approach and background. Methodology 5.1.2. Objectives, functional unit and system boundaries 5.1.3. Life cycle inventory 5.1.4. Assessment of impacts 5.1.5. Results and analysis 5.2. OTHER EXAMPLES FROM THE LITERATURE 5.2.1. Railroad sleepers 5.2.2. Urban wastewater 5.2.3. Road pavements 5.2.4. Bridges
Specific Objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the use of the methodology of life cycle analysis in several specific cases in the field of construction and infrastructures.
3h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study6.1. PARAMETERS FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT 6.1.1. Parameter types 6.1.2. Deterministic and probabilistic approaches 6.1.3. Necessity of methodologies to multi-criteria decision 6.1.4. Opened models and closed models 6.2. EXAMPLES OF PARAMETERS IN INFRASTRUCTURE 6.2.1. Environmental pillar 6.2.2. Economic pillar 6.2.3. Social pillar 6.2.4. Other parameters
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability related to required parameters for sustainability assessment and specific examples in the field of construction and infrastructures. Knowledge and understanding of deterministic and probabilistic approaches and open and closed models for sustainability assessment.
1h 30m Large group + 2h 5m Self Study7.1. HISTORY, ELEMENTS AND TYPES OF DECISION 7.1.1. Background and approach 7.1.2. Structure and terminology 7.1.3. Classification methods 7.2. SELECTION OF VARIABLES AND RANKING 7.2.1. Characteristics of the variables 7.2.2. Structure of the variables. Requirements tree 7.3. WEIGHTING METHODS 7.3.1. Approach 7.3.2. Direct, ordinal, cardinal and by comparison methods 7.3.3. Analytical hierarchical analysis 7.4. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT, AGGREGATION AND DECISION 7.4.1. Value functions 7.4.2. Aggregation methods 7.4.1. Multiattribute decision techniques
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning skills and application of value analysis and multiattribute utility theory, particularly in the field of sustainability assessment in the field of construction and infrastructures, including the selection and ranking of relevant variables, the weighting procedures with different methodologies (ordinal, cardinal, analytical hierarchical analysis), and measurement methods, aggregation and mediating different multicriteria decision procedures. Knowledge and understanding of the background and methodologies available to the application of value analysis and multiattribute utility theory.
3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study8.1. GENERAL APPROACH TO OPEN MODELS 8.1.1. Requirements tree 8.1.2. Components 8.1.3. Life cycle 8.2. WEIGHTING, VALUATION AND AGGREGATION 8.2.1. Direct weighting and comparison by pairs 8.2.2. Value functions 8.2.3. Aggregation procedure 8.3. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS 8.3.1. Selection criteria 8.3.2. Matrix of relative variation 8.4. PROBABILISTIC APPROACH. PROCEDURE AND RESULTS
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability and application, particularly in the field of construction and infrastructures, models for sustainability assessment based on value analysis and multiattribute utility theory including all their phases (selection and ranking of variables, weighting, evaluation, assessment, aggregation and analysis). Knowledge and understanding of deterministic and probabilistic settings.
3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study9.1. STRUCTURE AND ACCESS TO THE APPLICATION 9.2. UTILIZATION METHODOLOGIES 9.2.1. Modules and interfaces between them 9.2.2. Programming module 9.2.3. User module 9.2.4. Report module 9.3. OUTPUT DATA AND RESULTS, AND ANALYSIS 9.4. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND WEBSITE
Specific Objectives
Knowledge, understanding and reasoning ability and application, particularly in the field of construction and infrastructures, open software tools for sustainability assessment based on value analysis and multiattribute utility theory including all modules (developer, user, report, analyzer) and use.
3h Medium group + 4h 11m Self Study10.1. SEWERAGE PIPES 10.1.1. Approach and background. Methodology 10.1.2. Requirements tree 10.1.3. Weighing 10.1.4. Value functions 10.1.5. Alternatives 10.1.6. Results and analysis 10.2. CONCRETE STRUCTURES (13th ANNEX OF EHE-O8) 10.2.1. Approach and background. Methodology 10.2.2. Requirements tree and weighting for the environmental index 10.2.3. Value functions 10.2.4. Sustainability index 10.2.5. Probabilistic approach 10.3. OTHER EXAMPLES 10.3.1. Concrete industrial floors 10.3.2. Infrastructure for rainwater utilization 10.3.3. Electric mobility infrastructures 10.4. BUILDING SYSTEMS EVALUATION
Specific Objectives
Knowledge and understanding of the use of methodologies and tools for sustainability assessment in several specific cases, in the field of construction and infrastructures, including open and closed methods and deterministic and probabilistic settings.
3h Medium group + 4h 11m Self StudyDedication
9h Laboratory classes + 12h 36m Self Study