Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Road Network Planning and Operation (250451) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Introduction The Spanish road network. Organization, financing and management


1h Large group + 1h 24m Self Study
Total: 2h 24m

Road pavements. Types and characteristics Distress mechanisms and factors Pavement types and distress modes


2h 30m Large group + 5h 50m Self Study
Total: 8h 20m

Introduction Adherence Noise produced by vehicle circulation Surface roughness Optical characteristics


4h Large group + 1h Laboratory classes + 6h 15m Self Study
Total: 11h 15m

Structural pavement design Experimental and analytical methods Exercises of flexible and rigid pavement design


3h Large group + 4h Medium group + 3h Laboratory classes + 15h 20m Self Study
Total: 25h 20m

Auscultation Visual inspection Determination of pavement surface characteristics Determination of pavement mechanical characteristics


3h Large group + 7h 30m Self Study
Total: 10h 30m

Pavement condition, diagnosis and decision making Ordinary conservation. Local repairs and small failures Pavement reinforcement exercises


3h Large group + 3h Medium group + 3h Laboratory classes + 14h Self Study
Total: 23h

Introduction Repair of local failures Surface rehabilitation Reinforcement and structural rehabilitation


3h Large group + 7h 30m Self Study
Total: 10h 30m

Introduction Cold in place recycling Hot mix asphalt in plant recycling


3h Large group + 7h 30m Self Study
Total: 10h 30m

Pavement management systems Structure of a management system Benefits of implementation Exercises of management systems


2h 30m Large group + 2h 48m Medium group + 2h 48m Laboratory classes + 15h 35m Self Study
Total: 23h 41m