Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Urban Hydrology (250430) – Course 2024/25 PDF


Introduction of the general concept of Urban Drainage and the objectives associated to the drainage system: rainfall data, urban basins, sewer system, flooding, overflows to receiving waters and related impacts.


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

In this session we introduce the main design criteria used in drainage systems: type of sections, maximum and minimum velocities, etc. Flood risk assessment framework. Definition of the concept of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and risk. Socio-economic and environmental impacts. Return period.


3h Large group + 4h 11m Self Study
Total: 7h 11m

In this sessions, rainfall data needed to perform a detailed hydrologic study in urban areas is presented. Real and synthetic Intensity-Duration-Frequency and design storms used in the professional practice are introduced. Design Storms Examples and applications


2h 30m Large group + 1h 30m Medium group + 7h Self Study
Total: 11h

Description of the theoretical concepts of the most common loss models used in urban drainage. Examples and applications of the different loss processes in urban environment.

Specific Objectives

Learn to estimate hydrological losses in different urban contexts.


1h 30m Large group + 1h 30m Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 5h 48m

Description of the most common techniques (reservoir model, kinematic wave model, rational method) for the simulation of the rainfall-runoff transformation process. Examples and applications


1h Large group + 1h Medium group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Hydraulic analysis of grate inlets. Experimental procedures. Concept of efficiency and captured flow.

Specific Objectives

Provide to the student the concepts of the hydraulic behaviour of a grated inlet. Characterization of hydraulic efficiency and estimation of captured flows.


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Street network and street flow. Maximum flow in a street. Flood hazard criteria in terms of maximum flow, water level, velocity, etc. Calculation of the optimum distance between consecutive inlets.

Specific Objectives

Provide to the student the concept of surface flow along the street network during a rain event. Estimation of the maximum acceptable flow in a street. Definition of flood hazard criteria associated to street flow. Apply the concepts of flood hazard, street flow and inlet hydraulics to define the spacing between two inlets. Simulations through hydrological tool.

Related Activities

Coursework 1: design of optimal inlets spacing.


2h Large group + 3h Laboratory classes + 7h Self Study
Total: 12h

Description and classification of storm tanks with hydraulic (anti-flooding) and environmental (anti-pollution) functions. Design and maintenance criteria.

Specific Objectives

Introduce to the student the concept of a detention basin. Advantages and disadvantages. Dimensions and other elements for inlet and outlet. Cleaning and maintenance criteria. Observe through a real case the main characteristics of a detention basin.

Related Activities

Field visit to a storm storage tank in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.


2h 30m Large group + 3h 5m Medium group + 5h 20m Self Study
Total: 10h 55m

Description and classification of the most common urban sustainable drainage systems. Design and maintenance criteria.

Specific Objectives

Provide to the student the vision of the "soft" techniques, trying to reduce runoff and water quality pollution during rain events.


1h Large group + 1h 24m Self Study
Total: 2h 24m

Hydraulic behaviour of sewer systems. Steady and unsteady flow approaches.

Specific Objectives

Introduce to the specific aspects of the hydraulic behaviour of sewer networks: free surface and pressure flow.


2h Large group + 4h 48m Self Study
Total: 6h 48m

Description of the most used monitoring equipment in the field of urban drainage. Selection, location and maintenance criteria.


1h Large group + 2h Medium group + 2h 4m Self Study
Total: 5h 4m


2h Laboratory classes + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Water quality aspects and sewer system overflows. Simulation and real measurements.

Specific Objectives

Introduce the CSO and SSO concepts and the risk to receiving waters during wet weather conditions.


2h Large group + 2h 48m Self Study
Total: 4h 48m

Mos common commercial codes: SWMM5, InfoWorks, Mike-Urban and others Introduction on modelling and and test case through SWMM5 code.

Specific Objectives

Present to the student the main commercial coeds available to the practitioner to use in urban drainage Introduce the public domain code SWMM5 developed by the EPA and its main capabilities.

Related Activities

Coursework 2: Sewer system analysis. Model calibration. Simulation and rehabilitation of a network with SWMM5.


1h Large group + 8h 30m Laboratory classes + 13h 20m Self Study
Total: 22h 50m